Online Casino Malaysia The federal government should impose a new national gaming tax and prohibit Australians from gambling with foreign operators through "banking and other tools", Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie has said.
The Victorian backbench senator, who flagged her plan with the prime minister,Malcolm Turnbull, when he was communications minister, said the government should use its review of the tax system to completely overhaul gambling taxes.
"In terms of wagering, the current legal framework doesn't provide the outcomes we need," McKenzie told Guardian Australia.
The guts of the proposal would see a uniform tax applied to the gaming industry, with revenue to be distributed across the statesthat currently regulate the industry. Some revenue would be reserved for regional development projects and for harm minimisation programs.
Online Casino Malaysia McKenzie said she was concerned that sports betting was the fastest growing market in
9club promotion Australia yet faced minimal taxation.
She has raised her model in a formal submission to the government's tax review committee, and will pursue the proposal in a speech when federal parliament resumes next week.
Turnbull's decision to reset the tax debate, and his desire not to rule various proposals in or out, has reignited discussion within government ranks about how best to proceed.
McKenzie's proposal follows an intervention from Nationals colleague David Gillespie, who earlier this week called for the GST to be raised to 15%.
Online Casino Malaysia Under McKenzie's proposal a federal tax of 0.05% would be levied on gambling turnover. The tax would be collected by licensed betting operators on all transactions relating to Australian events.
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